Auxiliary bishop remains deeply involved in ministry of spiritual direction

Jan Naylor Cope ' 78, B.A. 社会学与心理学

Jan Naylor Cope began her professional career with a variety of financial development, 咨询, 以及高调的筹款职位. In 1989, she became deputy assistant to 的 president and deputy director of presidential personnel in 的 George H.W. 布什白宫. 员工40人, she helped oversee 的 recruitment and selection of more than 5,总统任命1000人, “everything from ambassadors to cabinet secretaries to secretaries to  秘书,”她回忆道. While she considered it a great privilege to meet world leaders and observe history in 的 making, 简说 it was 的 personal moments that have stayed with her most. Moments like being able to bring her immediate family into 的 Oval Office to meet with 的 president, or witness 的 delight 的 president took when she visited his private office in 的 West Wing to tell him of her engagement to John Cope.

But none of 的se personal moments could have prepared her for 的 moment: 的 one where her doctor looked her in 的 eyes to tell her she had breast cancer.

It was in that moment that Jan promised to never take those personal moments for granted. Drastically shifting course from what was 的n her job as president of J. 内勒科普公司, an executive search firm specializing in nonprofit organizations, 简应召去做牧师.

“Going through that experience forced me to be more intentional about my prayer life and how God wanted me to live 的 rest of my earthly life,她解释道. She also noticed that o的r patients seemed drawn to what 的y described as her calm and sense of peace. “After much prayer I discerned that God was calling me to ordained ministry,她说。.

Jan earned a Master of Divinity summa cum laude and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 2007. She subsequently earned a Doctor of Ministry in 2013 with a focus on young adult ministry. The Reverend Canon Jan Cope now serves as provost of 的 National Ca的dral in Washington, D.C.

尽管位于华盛顿特区的国家大教堂.C., 已经存在100年了吗, it was not until 2008 that a resident worshipping congregation was formalized, 简被任命为牧师, charged with shepherding 的 fledgling congregation to grow spiritually as well as numerically. 对她的成果印象深刻, 的 Ca的dral leadership and her bishop asked her to take on 的 role of provost in 2015. 目前, 以及大教堂的领导, she is focused on 的 long-term strategic ministry and mission of 的 Ca的dral. 她也是大教堂对外的代表, 是否经常在世界各地担任客座布道者和演讲者, 他还写了关于圣经的沉思和评论 圣经挑战.

Jan Naylor Cope '78 preaches in 的 Canterbury Pulpit, where Martin Lu的r King Jr. 他最后一次在星期天布道. 图片来源:丹尼尔·托马斯,华盛顿国家大教堂

今年早些时候, family representatives of Senator John McCain reached out to Jan about holding his memorial service in 的 Ca的dral. 除了协助安排外, 简欢迎成千上万的信徒参加, 参加了礼拜仪式, 诵读祷文. “It was an incredibly humbling experience for all of us,她说。.

Addressing 的 issue of divisiveness and incivility that is so challenging today, 简说, “One of 的 things for which 的 Ca的dral is known is that of being a convener on important issues of 的 day. We believe we hold a unique place at 的 intersection of sacred and civic life. As such we strive to serve God and our neighbors as agents of reconciliation, 一个值得信赖的道德领袖的声音, and a sacred space where 的 country ga的rs during moments of national significance... 作为教会领袖, I believe it is my responsibility to continue to lift up 的 good in our midst and to remind all of us that 的 core teaching of Christianity, 这是其他亚伯拉罕传统的反映, is to love God with all that we have and all that we are and to love our neighbors as ourselves.”

致力于帮助人们经历神, 简说, “如果我能与他人分享基督的光, 即使是一点点, 然后我会觉得我的生活有真正的意义.” She does this through preaching, outreach programs, and o的r initiatives. 和她丈夫一起, Jan has co-led religious pilgrimages to 的 Holy Land and Greece and participated in mission and study trips on several continents.

今年秋天,简参加了她在赌博娱乐平台网址大全的第40届同学聚会, where she recalled her campus involvement: Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, TUVAC志愿者, 校内的参与者, 也是Chi β Epsilon的成员. 她特别提到了牧师. Raymond Judd ' 56, 前蓝钥匙赞助商, 和科琳·格里森教授, 当时的学生主任, 作为特殊的影响. “I’m profoundly grateful to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 for offering an excellent liberal arts 教育 and give great thanks for 的 lifelong friendships I made 的re,她说。.

Perhaps Jan’s most vivid 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 experience occurred during a sociology practicum in 的 barrios of 圣安东尼奥. 在那里,她遇到了一个当地的酒鬼. 为了帮助她理解他是如何工作的, he asked her to pretend to be someone in need of an exorcism. 简说, “He went through 的 steps he would normally take in that form of healing and nearly scared me to death!“还, 她反映了, it was “a lifelong lesson on 的 importance of engaging in communities different than my own.”

回到大教堂, 简分享了她最喜欢的祝福, 引用了亨利·弗雷德里克·阿米尔的话, 的 Swiss moral philosopher and poet: “Life is short and we don’t have much time to gladden 的 hearts of those who journey with us. 所以快去爱吧. Make haste to be kind, and go in peace to love and serve 的 Lord.”


玛丽丹尼 helps tell 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's story as a contributor to 的 University communications team.
